change is an essential part of human development (Newton and Tarrant, 1992;
Whitmore, 2002) and in a changing environment organizations must change to succeed
(Carnall, 2007; Whitmore, 2002; Hay McBer, 2000; Burnes, 2009). Although organizational dynamics and changes
are related to organizational behaviour of the people concerned (McKenna, 2000;
Hersey and Blanchard, 1982; Moorhead and Griffin, 1998), earlier organizational
theories of the 20th century, Classical Approach, (Taylor, 1911;
Gilbreth, 1921; Weber, 1947) emphasised management processes and promoted a
universal principle ‘one best way’ for managing change. This principle was subsequently challenged by
the Contingency Theory (Child, 1975; Donaldson, 2001;
Mullins, 2007; Scott, 1995) which favoured a situated approach to each organization
dependent on individual circumstances for managing change. This thinking, with the emergence of the
Human Relations school (Hackman and Oldham, 1980; Likert, 1961; Miner, 2006),
gave way to organizational development fitted to human needs. As organizational changes require individuals
to change and learn new ways of thinking and doing things (Argyris and Shön, 1978;
Hedberg, 1981; Burnes, 2009), this can often result in resistance to change.
Coping with organizational change involves many
complex processes, which make demands on all individuals involved and affect
self-esteem and performance (Carnall, 2003; Argyris, 1982; Kanter, 1983). Thus
managing change effectively requires sensitivity to these effects so optimal
conditions can be created where learning and improved performance can be
achieved (Carnall, 2003; Kilpatrick, 1985; Cooper, 1981).
As organizational changes impact on
the way people work, initial response to any change may result in a denial of
the need for change: “We have always done things this way” as identified by
Carnall (2003, p.243).
Regarding coping with change, Figure
2.2 presents the coping cycle (Carnall, 2003; de Vries and Miller, 1984; Adams
et al. 1976) and illustrates why embedding new practices takes considerable
1. Stage
1: Denial
2. Stage
2: Defense
3. Stage
3: Discarding
4. Stage
4: Adaptation
5. Stage
5: Internalization
Figure 2.2 The coping
researching educational change, various writers (Fullan, 2001; Miles, 1964;
1971; Goodland, 1975; Lieberman, 2005), Sarason (1971) have claimed that schools
are cultures and therefore difficult to change. Fullan (2001) identified “the persistence of
people related problems” (p.70) as one of the factors in affecting successful
implementation of various initiatives.
He observed that: “Significant educational change consists of changes in
beliefs, teaching style, and materials, which can come only through a process
of personal development in a social context.” (ibid.p.124)
As these
changes involve complex cognitive, emotional and social processes, teachers can
be reluctant to embark on further development, in particular in a relatively
isolated school environment. This
isolation can result in a less collaborative culture, making the process of change
harder to accomplish. Such schools can
be often very traditional environments rooted in ‘historical values’, as
McCulloch (1997) asserts describing schools as “places of great historical
continuity” (p.5), where justification for following
a particular practice can be only explained on historical grounds: ‘we’ve-always-done-it
this-way’ philosophy, often accepted without any questioning.
what are perceived as ‘tried’ and ‘trusted’ practices, can be accepted simply on
the grounds of their historical justification.
This idea is also emphasised by Stobart (2008) who claims that “the
selection and standards functions of assessment have historical pedigrees”
(p.16) and this is the reason why examinations are readily accepted by the
society as something that is “natural, and therefore not-to-be-questioned”
(ibid.). In support of the view that
assessment systems help to shape individuals’ and institutions’ identities,
Stobart (2008) asserts that: “…assessment shapes who and what we are and cannot
be treated as a neutral measure of abilities or skills that are independent of
society” (p.6). Assessments, it would
appear, are seemingly a social activity and as such would have an influence on
a particular institutional culture in helping to define it.
institutional change is a complex process (Fullan, 1993; Burnes, 2009; Sarason,
1971; Carnall, 2003), it is crucial to the continuous development of any organization
and Fullan (ibid.) maintains that innovation is even more important in the 21st
century: “Teachers’ capacities to deal with change, learn from it, and help
students learn from it will be crucial for the development of society” (p.29). Fullan acknowledges that changing teachers’
practice is not an easy task, but a necessary one if teachers are to be able to
share their pupils emerging collaborative characteristics: “The hardest core to
crack is the learning core – changes in instructional practices and in the
culture of teaching toward greater collaborative relationships among students, teachers
and other potential partners” (p.49). As
the teacher effectiveness is one of the key determinants of educational outcomes
for students (Cochran-Smith et al. 2008; Rowe, 2003), the importance of
changing individuals through professional development attending to processes
and content (Wilson and Berne, 1999; Reeves et al. 2001) is crucial to the
successful organizational development, especially when introducing innovation.
On implementing changes in successful
leadership (Hargreaves, 1998; MacBeath, 2002), Fullan and Hargreaves (1992)
advised teachers and principals to “develop a risk-taking mentality” (p.86),
which they felt was especially important under uncertain conditions resulting
from endless social changes (ibid.). Indeed, managing change requires
effective leadership and skilful management, and a commitment to organizational
learning (Collinson and Cook, 2007; Argyris, 1999; Rait, 1995) as inadequate
leadership can result in inadequate change management (Kotter, 1988; Carnall, 2003),
resulting in resistance and undermining the development.